Tip of the Month: Shapely Triceps

Triceps are composed of three muscles and require 8-12 sets of intense training to initiate growth. Triceps are involved in all pushing exercises (elbow extension) but still need targeted
training for full development. Upper arms accumulate fat and lose tone with over consumption of calories, not enough cardio, and no resistance training.

1. Bench Dips
Bench Dips require 2 benches or other sturdy surfaces of similar height. Place the heels of your hands shoulder width apart and heels of feet on the stool. Keeping your scapula depressed, lower your torso to 90 degrees staying close to the bench. Exhale and press your torso back up to the start position. Flex your triceps at the top. When you can do 15 reps place a flat plate in your lap for added resistance.

2. Diamond or Close Grip Push-Ups
Get in push-up position with hands close together to target the triceps. Lower your chest close to the floor and push with your triceps back up to the start position. Flex at the top. When you can do 15 reps elevate your feet. If push- ups are too hard, start with bent knees.

3. Seated Two Arm Bent Over Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit on the end of a bench with a neutral grip. Bend your torso parallel to the floor with your elbows held back and above your torso. Keep your head up. Your elbows and upper arms should form a right angle at the start position. Using your triceps extend the elbows back until parallel with the floor. Only the forearms should move. Slowly lower the weights, do not swing them using momentum.

Do 10-15 reps increasing the weight if possible. Do 3-4 sets of each. These movements can be performed by the at home exerciser too. Train Hard and bare arms!

Model: Eugene Bellau

Carla Gray, A.C.S.M. is a personal trainer and can be reached at info@fitnessconnection.net or 504-885-7855.

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